In December 2014, FiMT and Saint George’s House, Windsor, held a 24-hour consultation entitled “Back to Civvy Street: How can we better support individuals to lead more successful civilian lives after a career in the UK Armed Forces?”  Thirty-five stakeholder participants attended from across a range of organisations including the MOD and Government, employment and military charity sectors, and skills and training providers, to discuss the following three key areas and hence make recommendations on the changes needed:

  • Gaining access to meaningful and satisfying employment as a means of creating economic sustainability
  • Benefiting from the stability and purpose which come from being part of a cohesive and fulfilling social network
  • Changing perceptions within society of the regular and reserve Armed Forces as a means of supporting future career aspirations

Read the report here.

FiMT has also just published an Engagement Programme Report ‘Better Understanding the Support Needs of Service Leaver Families.’  FiMT has always believed that the family plays a key role in successful transition, and was keen to understand more about the issues faced by families of Service leavers.  Between October 2014 and January 2015, Brian Parry Associates (BPA) facilitated a UK-wide engagement programme in which 159 individuals (representing 67 different organisations) participated.  The Report faithfully reports the participants’ views, and their suggestions to improve matters.  It also provides an analysis of the main findings and the strategic themes that emerged from across the programme, and from which FiMT is currently developing its future programme of work.  Read the Engagement Programme Report here.