We know that preparing funding applications is time-consuming, so we’ve put together some tips to help you write your grant application.

  • Have well defined objectives.  What does long term success look like? How will you know you have achieved it?  How will these help achieve FiMT’s Change Model?
  • Provide clear rationale for your project.  Do you have evidence to support your approach? What are the potential pitfalls and your contingency plans? Is the timescale realistic?
  • Ensure that the costs requested for your project are necessary and that the figures add up.
  • Write in clear English and avoid technical jargon where possible.
  • Give yourself plenty of time.  It’s really important that you avoid rushing your application.


The Research-Snapshot, produced by the FiMT Research Centre, is a plain language guide to research terms; it might be a useful resource for preparing applications.